Thursday, February 1, 2007

re: SVSReunion

Hey Smiley...

Just thought that I would check in to the blog and say HI to everyone. It has been a long time since I have seen most of the class (20 years for most...)

I am looking forward to the reunion and touching base with everyone again.



Darryl Severtson said...

Hi Marty, Yea, the reunion is going to be a blast! Are you still in Sylvan?

Marty Hall said...

Yep, just bought a 1/4 South West of Sylvan (closer to the old stomping grounds) and am in the process of building a house on it. It should be completed this summer sometime.

Where are you at these days? I am afraid that I haven't done a very good job of keeping track of anyone lately.

Darryl Severtson said...

I'm in Okotoks, and have a rennovation company and I'm starting an Internet marketing company.

Darryl Severtson said...

Do you still play any Hockey? When I was looking for pictures for the website, I found a bunch of hockey pictures. We sure had alot of fun!

Marty Hall said...

I played hockey just last night as a matter of fact. I am alot slower and fall alot harder than I used to, but still love the game! I havent played in years up until this year though...very much out of shape...unless you consider "round" a shape.

I was looking at your renovation website, pretty impressive work.

How about yourself? Do you still strap them on once in a while?

I was out in Rocky the other day with my boys who play hockey, that arena brings back some memories...their style of hockey still hasn't changed.

Darryl Severtson said...

It's been about 10 years since I played. I do manage to play a little street hockey with the kids though. I know what you mean by being out of shape. I'm ready to quit long before the kids are.

I haven't been out to Rockey in years. Still the same old building? We spent alot of time out there didn't we.

Which website did you look at or

I'm coming up to the farm tomorrow morning. If you get a chance, give me a call. The numbers in the book.

Marty Hall said...

I am up in Fort McMurray all weekend, or I would have given you a call and tried to get together.

The Rockey arena is still the same as the last day that we played there...why change a good thing right.

I had looked at the website originally, but had a look at the other since your posting. I am going to have to show my wife when I get home, she may be interested in some of the items! The corner mouldings (crown mouldings) especially. We are putting some up in a couple of rooms, just below the roofline, with rope lighting above for added effect. I have seen it done before and it looked pretty cool.