Sunday, February 4, 2007

Hello everyone. Darryl - you have done an amazing job with this website - thanks so much!!! Lots of planning going on for the reunion and I can't wait to see everyone. Krista

1 comment:

Lisa Ogilvie(Jobs) said...

Hello Darryl!Excellent job on setting this up. Same goes to everyone who has worked so hard to organize this reunion, it sounds like it will be great! I really enjoy hearing how everyone is doing, how many kids they have and where they are now, this site is great for that. It sounds to me like some very successful and happy people came from Spruceview School. I am very happily married on an acreage between Caroline and Rocky. I have 3 kids (1 girl-9yrs.old, 2 boys- 7yrs. old and 4 yrs.old). I guess we can all catch up at the reunion, I think it will be great! Again, good job to everyone who has put time and effort into this reunion.