Thursday, January 25, 2007

Spruce View School Reunion 2007 Blog

Welcome classes of 86, 87, 88, 89 and 90. I don't know about all of you, but I'm quite excited about the upcoming reunion.

In addition to the website I'm in the process of setting up, I thought it would be great to have this blog for everyone to reminisce on.


Bonnie Archer-Burgess said...

Hi Everyone! Hi Smiley :)... Hey Kris ... I can't believe its been 20 years already, its crazy! Where did the time go? Seems like only yesterday we were going through a lot of the things my girls are experiencing at school now. I see so much of myself in them its scares me sometimes.

I look back on those days a lot and use my own life as a teaching tool for them, hey I turned out pretty damn good! Well maybe not "good"... (evil grin)... but Ive done well in my life and I am happier than I ever dreamt possible at that age! Ive learned how to be myself and accept it. Ive taken on a lot of my mothers traits, God rest her soul, and I speak my mind. It all comes from the heart with the best of intent but Ive stopped trying to impress others who dont deserve the effort.

I did too much of that in school, like a lot of us did. Always trying to do something else that would make the other kids like me. It was pointless and futile and deep down I knew it, but human nature kept me trying to be accepted but because kids are kids, non of that matters when the other ones are different, fat, slow, loud, had accidents ... well you know what I mean, Im sure I wasnt the only one going through this.

I remember the countless crushes on most of the boys in the class at one time or another for one reason or another. I remember being teased and I remember the teasing I did. I remember the mean things I said and little lies I told to get someone else to like me. I remember the shit I used to pull to get back at the hurt I felt when everything back-fired when I told someone elses secrets even though I thought I was helping. For all the shit and hurt I ever caused anyone who reads this, I am truely sorry.

I was really disappointed to find that things didnt much change throughout high school, although some of them did befriend me for while, I was never really part of the "in" crowd. Then after we graduated I didnt see or hear from any of those friends except if we found ourselves at the same place and time.

Dont get me wrong, we all had some GREAT times together and I have some wonderful memories of the parties I used to hold at my house, LONG before we should have been partying like we were. I hope I didnt help make alcoholics out of any of them.

Ten years later at the last reunion I remember everyone starting out wonderfully, saying Hi, chatting it up, looking at photos and laughing. But soon after it was the same little cliques and some of the same unwelcoming comments and feelings. (Sigh).. (Heres me rolling my eyes, shakin my head and shruggin my shoulders all at once... )

I look back on those times as stepping stones and learning opportunties for myself and my kids. I have forgiven any hard feelings I had for any of the things that happened back then and in fact I AM GREATFUL they happened! If they hadn't happened exactly so, I would't be who I am today and have the wonderful life I have now.

Yes guys, Im still fat but hella georgeous as always! I have 4 beautiful, amazing children and THE MOST wonderful husband that loves me for who I am. We own our own house and we work damn hard to get the bills paid. It gets tough sometimes but life is supposed to have its challenges, thats what keeps us going!

I cant wait to see you all and hear about your challenges and accomplishments. Here's to the class of 1987!!

Darryl Severtson said...

Bonnie, I'm not sure where the time went either. Glad to hear that you're happy. I've often wondered how/what you're doing and I for one, appologise for any of the things I did to you back in school. Kids certainly can be the meanest creatures on earth.

I hear what you're saying about trying to impress people. I gave up on that years ago, and at the time wondered why it took me so long to see the light. I watched a movie a couple of months ago called "The Secret", that really put things in prespective for me. Oprah did a show on it a week or so ago. If you haven't seen it, I'd be happy to send you a copy.

I've also discovered that its only through struggle and hardships that we learn and become stronger better people.

A few years ago, I made a bunch of money on the stock market, was on cloud nine and thought everything I touched would turn to gold. I sure got a rude awakening and promptly lost most of it again. I moped around for a year or so, until I realized that I'd just been given one of the best (and expensive) educations money can buy. I then started applying what I learned and I'm happy to say that I've made a good chunk of it back and the future has never looked brighter.

I've been blessed with a wonderful wife and 3 boys. It all makes for some exciting times and I wouldn't change it for the world! I'm looking forward to seeing you and everyone else at the reunion!

Have a great day everyone!

Marty Hall said...

I agree with Bonnie and Darryl's assessment on how kids can be cruel.

I never thought much about how we treated each other until seeing some of the things that are going on in my boys school. I have friends that have had to pull their daughter from school and home teach her just because of bullying....its sad.

I think that with all of the good and bad, they were still some of the best days of our lives. No bills to pay, no job stress, and the worst thing that we had to worry about is whether or not we were cool enough to fit in.

Lets hope that after 20 years, we all have matured enough to accept one another for who they are.

To all of those that I may have hurt...I am sorry. To those that I didn't, watch out...there is still time (joking).

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, well I must admit that I've been a little leary to go to a high school reunion. I have alot of good and bad memories of school. I have two beautiful daughters that are 13 and 11 (coming 14 and 12). They are just starting to experience the high school dramas. I have taught my children that it is not acceptable to pick on someone because of their clothes, size, or anything else. I am extremely proud of them, because they stand up for not only themselves, but other people as well. I found my voice just towards the end of high school and haven't looked back since. As some of you may remember I was extremely shy and quiet. Not any more!! LOL I believe that if you are happy with yourself, you don't feel the need to put down others around you. Some people change, and others stay the same. I am quite curious to see what category people fall into. Would be nice to rekindle some old friendships or start new ones. Hope that I can make it to the reunion. Thank you for this, if nothing else maybe some of us can get some closure on the bad we remember from school.

Anonymous said...

All is well and it will be great to see every one again. I don't believe I was to scarred by name calling other than "Skunk Fu**er! (Marty - appology accepted).

See you all at the Reunion!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, Bonnie, Marty, Daryl

I am reading through the blogs, psyching myself up for the reunion in two weeks. :)
It's great to hear that things are amazing for you, Bonnie. And also excellent to hear that you caught the the upside of the economic curve, Daryl.

20 years is a long time... and ten years was not long enough, I find.
At the ten year, I guess I saw the same thing that Bonnie did. Not that those groups or cliques are necessarily bad, only that I was never in one. ;)

I think it is most interesting for me in that I haven't seen many of you since the last reunion. Some, since high school.

I remember how we were but I don't know how we turned out. I hope awesome of course, but it will be interesting to see how our paths diverged.

I think it is a good guidepost as to how we, as individuals, have evolved over the years.

Sometimes when I go to the farm to ride a horse, I will see a neighbour who I haven't seen in years, drive by and barely recognize them. That is when I realize just how time flies. (OMG I am getting old!)

Otherwise, I default to thinking that I am still a kid on a barely broke pony riding around Kevisville. I guess half of that is still true :D

And I am not sure if the reunion will be the most fun ever, or if I will feel like a three-headed alien... but I have a back-up plan in either case.

Anyway, I am married, divorced and engaged to be married (the first was a practice, and may I add, dry-run) in the fall. I quit my career in Advertising and I am going back to university in September.
Cas (the fiance) and I are also planning children in the near future, so God willing, we shall see. And yes, I know I am doing this whole thing backwards... but life is like that.

I look forward to seeing all of you in two weeks!!!